In a relationship y0u d0nt rily Nid to chaNge, or make uR partner ChanGe...anD a relaXonsHip can onlY be GenUine bc0z of d "feElings y0u want to sHare f0r each OthEr...," It's n0t tHat y0u wAnt t0 makE uR paRtner pErfeCt f0r yoU oR f0r oTheRs....Bc0z U cant riLy cHanGe a pers0n as a wHole 0nLy 10% of his pers0nality...s0 whEn U c0me in a RelaxonsHip y0u sHuLd Luv uR Partner'S pers0nality 100%!! y0u shUld accept uR paRtner no maTter watS his Past or Backgr0und...If he have d0ne something wr0ng in the paSt U mUst 4gEt it..paSt is paSt... Start a neW liFe and be Happy with the c0mpany of eacH other...
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